Pet Groomer NSW South Coast

Pet Groomers NSW South Coast

Well established Groomers and has been operating for 13 years in this location

Current vendor has been running for the last 3 years

Long lease and low rent

Strong repeat business and low overheads

Owner re locating to another state must sell and price negotiable


Some points to note re this business:

•  Well established Pet Groomers on NSW Soth Coast

•  Increasing client base with strong repeat business

•  Operates five days a week from 8am to 3pm

•  Good return to working owner $97,105 pa ( PEBITDA )

•   Ideal lifestyle / work business with weekends off.

•   Full financials available on request

Buyers should make further enquiries before making a purchasing decision.

For more information contact


             Mark on 0447 219799 or email 


Reference: MTM025



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Price $99,000
Property Type Business
Property ID 24
Category Beauty/Health

Agent Details

Mark Scott photo

Mark Scott

0447 219 799
View Profile